Legal informations
Determination or company name:
Tonnellerie BARON
Head office address :
20 rue des Gillardeaux 17100 Les Gonds
Phone number:
SIREN registration number :
Name of the city where the registration office is located (RCS of…) :
RCS of Saintes
Name of the director or co-director of the publication, and if applicable, that of the editor:
Lionel Kreff
Name and contact details of the host:
100 % Net
Futur Building II
1280, Avenue des Platanes
34970 LATTES
Tél : 04-67-996-491 – Fax : 04-67-65-15-62
Credits :
Illustration : Florence Gendre
Web Design : Briddie O’Byrne
Web Development : Anthony Robin
Pictures : Anaka
Project management : Piment Blanc